Italy’s top 20 vegetarian meals

It’s considerably easier for people in Italy to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle than it is in historically meat-consuming societies, like the UK and North America. For our daily meals, Italians mostly depend on local foods and the cycles of the natural world....
Seven Gluten-Free Dessert Substitutes

Seven Gluten-Free Dessert Substitutes

Those who are gluten intolerant may find it difficult to locate a tasty dessert. However, be at ease! To ensure you can continue to enjoy your favorite sweets without having to worry about upset stomach, we’ve produced a list of 7 fantastic gluten-free...
How to replace butter: vegan substitutes

How to replace butter: vegan substitutes

What are the best vegan alternatives to butter? is a question that every vegan has to answer at some time. Although it can seem difficult to duplicate the flavor and texture of butter, there are a few substitutes that are worthwhile to try. We’ve chosen...